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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Carrying a parameter to a web form View modes: 
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paul.truman-sunmed.co - 11/8/2012 4:18:51 AM
Carrying a parameter to a web form
Hey folks - hopefully someone knows a simple solution to this question :) On a page on my website, I would like to to have a button that when clicked, will take me to my page containing a form, and will also carry over the document name value so I can use it as a hidden value in the form. I just don't know the code to use to a) carry over the parameter and b) use it in the form. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 11/8/2012 5:49:51 AM
RE:Carrying a parameter to a web form

There are many ways how to do that by using query strings, cookies, session variables etc., but let me show you the easiest one:

a) You can create a link (a button) which would contain a document name as a query string parameter in a URL. This link can be rendered dynamically by using macros:

<a href="~/form_page.aspx?docname={%CurrentDocument.DocumentName%}">Link to a form</a>

b) Now you render or reuse this query string parameter by using query string macro instead, so to render that document name, you can just type this:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann