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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Image or Media gallery embed View modes: 
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andy-procaresoftware - 7/20/2012 1:27:57 PM
Image or Media gallery embed
Greetings, I'm looking for a way to add a widget or web part to display an individual gallery from MEDIA onto a page.

The Media Gallery widget lists all galleries in a folder tree and the Image Gallery widget asks for a path but the "Select" options does not allow me to browse to the Media Galleries, only the content. Is there a trick I can do here?

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Jiveabillion - 7/20/2012 1:35:35 PM
RE:Image or Media gallery embed
You are meant to use the Dropdown labeled "Media library" to choose from the media libraries in the site. You can use the Path field to set the path within the media library.

Hover over the field names for a moment and you can see the help text.

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andy-procaresoftware - 7/20/2012 1:49:37 PM
RE:Image or Media gallery embed
Thank you for the response, Where do I find the drop down that you mention? I have one overall library that has folders within it. I want to select just one of the folders for display.

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Jiveabillion - 7/20/2012 2:54:01 PM
RE:Image or Media gallery embed
If you are using the "Media Gallery" web part or widget then you should definitely see it as the first field in the "Content" section. If you don't see it, then I don't know what web part or widget you are trying to use.

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andy-procaresoftware - 7/20/2012 3:04:05 PM
RE:Image or Media gallery embed
Thanks - I found that if I created a Media Gallery from each of the folders I had within a single gallery, I can then select the folder/gallery that I want (just as you said).

NEW PROBLEM: It works! but has listed the images in a single column. LOL :(

For amount of money we spend on Kentico, there are a lot of issues like this. We've been using it since version 4 but with higher and higher licensing costs and each new updates not being complete (IE Bugs in the TopMenu, horrible image/media gallery) I'm finding it is too much work out of the box just to get some things working properly.

I apprecate your help.

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Jiveabillion - 7/20/2012 3:13:17 PM
RE:Image or Media gallery embed
I don't disagree with you. There are definitely some common things that are difficult to do using the built in tools, most of those things involve grouping items together or selecting a group of items to be displayed by a web part. Sometimes the best thing to do in these situations is write your own custom web part, but sometimes that is very complicated too.

The pros of Kentico still greatly outweigh the cons. I still believe that it is the most user and developer friendly CMS available.

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andy-procaresoftware - 7/20/2012 3:53:56 PM
RE:Image or Media gallery embed
I agree, I am the person responsible for bring it into our organization. I just prefer the code to work perfectly out of the box so I don't have get an engineer invloved.

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kentico_ivanat - 7/22/2012 10:59:54 AM
RE:Image or Media gallery embed

"It works! but has listed the images in a single column."

What do you mean exactly? All images from one selected folder are selected correctly and displayed and the issue is that there is one image on one row, i.e. you cannot see for example 3 images in one row?

Is the site available online? This seems to be a css issue.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Dan - 11/9/2012 10:46:13 AM
RE:Image or Media gallery embed
He means that the default transformation without styling just displays the images in a 1 column vertical format.

It's not the greatest default transformation, and it also doesn't help that the transformation selection in the widget properties isn't there by default. (It can be added in the CMSSiteManager site)

As for how to get the images to display in a columned setup here one possibility once you've enabled transformation selection for the widget (or changed the default):

Header and footer transformations would have <table> and </table>

<%# ((DisplayIndex % [column size]) + "").Equals("0") ? "<tr>" : "" %> <-- index starts at 0 and values of index MOD column size will range from 0,1,2... column size-1

<td><a href="<%# HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(MediaLibraryFunctions.GetMediaFileUrl(Eval("FileLibraryID") ,Eval("FilePath"), Eval("FileGUID"), Eval("FileName"), GetDataControlValue<bool>("UseSecureLinks"), true)) %>" target="_blank">
<img src="<%# CMSTransformation.getThatThumbnail((int)Eval("FileID"), (int)100, (int)100, (int)0, "genericSquare") %>" alt="" /> <-- Note: I used a custom function to get my thumbnails
<%# ((DisplayIndex % [column size] + "").Equals("[column size - 1]") ? "</tr>" : "" %>