3/6/2012 5:37:08 AM
Problem to associate a database with a website
I just installed kentico on a virtual machine (vmWare). The installation went well and I must now continue with the database setup wizard. and the problem is this: I can't login. I'll try to describe my actions as clearly as possible: 1 / on the step1 screen, when I selected mode "Use Sql Server Account", the connection is not authenticated ('login failed) -note: I am that this account exists in sql Manager Studio-
If I choose the second option ("use integrated windows authentication") I can access step 2 but the account specified ("net asp NT Authority NetWork SERVICE" does not exist in sql server!) What is this account ?
2 / on the Step2 screen ("database instance") if I selected one base Kentico existing, I have the following message: the database doesn't exist. And if I selected "new database" I have this error message: "An error occurred when creating database: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: CREATE DATABASE [KenticoCMSTEST] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS: caused exception: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'."
I assigned all the rights of creation, modification, dbcreator, sysadmin the local account.
Do you have an idea of the problem please? Thank you very much for your help