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Version 5.x > API > use "DataForm" control to create an edit page for a custome table View modes: 
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mj-y - 6/9/2013 4:35:49 AM
use "DataForm" control to create an edit page for a custome table
I used DataForm Control to create an edit form for one of my custome atbles. It shows the data correctley ... but after changing some items and hitting OK this error appears:
Form content which is intended to update does not exist.
what is the reason behind it?

.ascx page code:
<cms:DataForm ID="EditAdForm" runat="server" ClassName="Ad.Advertise" />

ascx.cs page code:
private string mAlternativeFormName = "Ad.Advertise.EditAdvertise";
public string AlternativeFormName
return mAlternativeFormName;
mAlternativeFormName = value;
EditAdForm.AlternativeFormFullName = value;
EditAdForm.VisibilityFormName = value;
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
int adid =Convert.ToInt16( e.CommandArgument); EditAdForm.Info = AdInfoProvider.GetAdvertiseInfo(adid);
EditAdForm.AlternativeFormFullName = this.AlternativeFormName;
EditAdForm.VisibilityFormName = this.AlternativeFormName;
EditAdForm.AllowEditVisibility = true;
EditAdForm.IsLiveSite = true;

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/24/2013 6:19:11 AM
RE:use "DataForm" control to create an edit page for a custome table

In your code I do not see any check for the DataForm mode. I believe that the default one is update mode. If you are inserting, you should set the mode to insert.

Also, when updating existing item, you should check its ItemID whether it exists or not.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus