Comet Halley wrote:
Step5: Verification shows: User & all Blog Posts have been deleted.
HOWEVER, the comments created in Step3 still exists. Their value in dbo.Blog_Comment.CommentUserID is just set to NULL.
QUESTION: is it intentional to keep a Blog Comment while the reference data no longer exist? If yes, Is there a way to delete the comments beloning to a User when this user is deleted?
EDIT: How to edit my own post?
I made a mistake in the verification. Can you please replace the following portion by this new version:
Step5: Verification shows: User have been deleted.
HOWEVER, the BlogPosts and the Comments created in Step2 and Step3 still exist. Their value in dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentCreatedByUserID and dbo.Blog_Comment.CommentUserID is just set to NULL.
QUESTION: is it intentional to keep BlogPosts and BlogComments while the reference User no longer exist? If yes, Is there a way to delete the BlogPosts and Blog comments belonging to a User when this user is deleted?