Comet Halley
11/16/2011 3:58:26 PM
Update BlogPostBody but change is not visible
Using v5.5R2. I use API to create a BlogPost. It is displayed OK. Next, there is a change in the BlogPostBody, my code detects the change and update like this:
if (string.Compare(ValidationHelper.GetString(myBlogPost.GetValue("BlogPostBody"), ""), newBodyContent, true) != 0) { myBlogPost.SetValue("BlogPostBody", newBodyContent); }
CMS.WorkflowEngine.DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(myBlogPost, kenTree);
//Set Workflow steps from Edit to Publish //using WorkflowManager to MoveToNextStep() from step "Edit" to "published" .etc.
Sorry I skip the portion of code related to Workflow step settings (It follows the code found in Kentico API doc: API programming and Kentico CMS internals > Managing documents with workflow / A complete example)
QUESTION: The blog post is still displayed with the previous BlogPostBody. When querying the dbo.CONTENT_BlogPost table, I see that the logPostBody column still contains the previous value.
However, if I use the API to Get the BlogPost by DocumentID. myBlogPost.GetValue("BlogPostBody") shows the new value which were updated previously.
What is the reason the new BlogPostbody is not displayed in Live site and where is the new BlogPostBody value stored in the Database? (table name & Key to get to it).
Thanks very much for any help.