11/11/2011 1:48:52 AM
RE:Howto Create BlogPost when BlogMonth doesn't exist?
This approach seems to be OK, if ID returned by EnsureBlogPostHierarchy() method (ID of the new parent - blog month document) is correct ID you need. If you would like to insert given blogpost under some existing month, you can get ID of given cms.blogmonth parent from CONTENT_BlogMonth table.
As for the last par you wrote – so you extended cms.blogmonth document type by some additional custom field(s) and you fill them in CustomTreeNodeHandler.OnBeforeInsert() method, which is triggered after you run your custom code, right? So, when the blog post under the corresponding blog month is created, it contains proper value? Where exactly you want to use (get) these custom values, then, please? Can you clarify? Or did you already fix it? Thank you.
Best Regards, Radek Macalik