12/10/2012 9:46:32 AM
Setting BizForm column externalsourcename with API?
Hi there,
I'm working on a BizForm where one of the columns contains a foreign key.
When I log into CMSDesk to view the data in this form, it displays the foreign key ID values in this column. But I want it to display the actual data which this foreign key points to.
Normally, this would be easy. I would just open the unigrid.xml definition file, set the <column externalsourcename=""...> attribute, and then use the gridData_OnExternalDataBound() function to query the other table and retrieve the data I want.
However, in this case I'm working on the /CMSModules/Bizforms/Tools/BizForm_Edit_Data.ascx.cs file. All the unigrid columns/data is populated with the API. The BizForm_Edit_Data.xml file does not contain any column definitions.
Is there a way I can set the externalsourcename attribute with the API? I've looked everywhere and can't find an answer. Please let me know,