9/10/2013 2:05:04 PM
CMS:CMSListmenu with linked docs and redirects
I am having some issues with the ListMenu and Linked Documents and Redirects. I have a subsite that is using a very similar version of the main list menu. What I did was had it so that if it was on this specific subsite, the master page would load the unique menu based on what was under the subsite on the CMSDesk. I wanted some of the menu items, such as Events and News, to go to the base pages so I linked the Events and News Documents. The problem was that when it went to these pages, no events or news items were showing.
So instead I set up dummy pages that just redirected to the main events or news page. This worked, the items were showing. The problem with this method is it the menu item at the top was not highlighted.
Is there anyway to get one of these methods to work properly??