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Version 5.x > API > where is the Tax value store per item line in the shopping cart? View modes: 
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wtzeng-micro-datanet - 9/14/2011 2:04:17 PM
where is the Tax value store per item line in the shopping cart?

during the check out process, when we calculate tax, we use web service to call a function to the backend software return the tax amount. I can't find where the tax is store on the item line in the shopping cart. could you show me where is it so I can override it.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/19/2011 3:20:57 AM
RE:where is the Tax value store per item line in the shopping cart?

you will need to use a custom eCommerce provider and create your own implementation of EvaluateShoppingCartContent method in a CustomShoppingCartInfoProvider.

The code of original method is here:

/// <summary>
/// Evaluates shopping cart content - calculates all taxes, discounts and subtotals.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shoppingCart">Shopping cart object with all neccessary data for calculation.</param>
/// <param name="evaluateForInvoice">Indicates if shopping cart content is evaluated for invoice.</param>
public static void EvaluateShoppingCartContent(ShoppingCartInfo shoppingCart, bool evaluateForInvoice)
if (shoppingCart == null)
throw new Exception("[ShoppingCartInfoProvider.EvaluateShoppingCartContent]: No shopping cart given.");


// Prepare the tables
DataTable contentTable = ShoppingCartInfo.CreateContentTable();
DataTable taxTable = ShoppingCartInfo.CreateTaxTable();

bool isCartInDatabase = (Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfoProvider.GetShoppingCartInfo(shoppingCart.ShoppingCartID) != null);

// Clear shopping cart hashtables

if ((shoppingCart.CartItems != null) && (shoppingCart.CartItems.Count > 0))
// Get dataset of SKUs and their taxes
DataSet taxClassesDS = Ecommerce.TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassesForCart(shoppingCart);
DataView taxClassView = null;
if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(taxClassesDS))
taxClassView = taxClassesDS.Tables[0].DefaultView;

// Get dataset of SKUs and their state taxes
DataSet stateTaxClassesDS = Ecommerce.TaxClassInfoProvider.GetStateTaxClassesForCart(shoppingCart);
DataView stateTaxClassView = null;
if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(stateTaxClassesDS))
stateTaxClassView = stateTaxClassesDS.Tables[0].DefaultView;

bool taxIDSupplied = ((shoppingCart.CustomerInfoObj != null) && (shoppingCart.CustomerInfoObj.CustomerTaxRegistrationID != ""));
shoppingCart.ItemsNotAvailable = false;

// Reload shopping cart items data
ReloadShoppingCartItemSKUData(shoppingCart, evaluateForInvoice);

// Evaluate items
foreach (ShoppingCartItemInfo cartItem in shoppingCart.CartItems)
string skuError = "";

// Check availability of the product and its product options
if (shoppingCart.CheckAvailableItems && (cartItem.SKUObj != null))
// Check whether product is enabled or not
if (!cartItem.SKUObj.SKUEnabled)
skuError = ResHelper.GetString("Ecommerce.UpdateShoppingCart.ProductDisabled");
shoppingCart.ItemsNotAvailable = true;
// If SKU should be selled only when available
else if (cartItem.SKUObj.SKUSellOnlyAvailable)
int availableUnits = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(shoppingCart.CartAvailableSKUs[cartItem.SKUID], 0);

// If there are not enough available items
if (availableUnits < 0)
shoppingCart.ItemsNotAvailable = true;

// If it is a product option
// OR it is a product with some product options
// OR there is another shopping cart item with the same SKU
// -> do not update SKU units in shoping cart to the maximum allowed quantity, display error message only
if ((cartItem.IsProductOption) ||
(cartItem.ProductOptions.Count > 0) ||
(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(shoppingCart.CartSKUOccurences[cartItem.SKUID], 0) > 1))
// Order item units cannot be increased by specified quantity
if (shoppingCart.IsCreatedFromOrder)
skuError += string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("Ecommerce.OrderItems.MaximumAvailableQuantity"), cartItem.SKUObj.SKUAvailableItems);
// Product units cannot be set to maximum allowed quantity
skuError += string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("Ecommerce.UpdateShoppingCart.MaximumAvailableQuantity"), cartItem.SKUObj.SKUAvailableItems);
// other cases -> update SKU units in shoping cart to the maximum allowed quantity
// Order item units were increased by maximum allowed quantity
if (shoppingCart.IsCreatedFromOrder)
skuError += string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("Ecommerce.OrderItems.ItemsNotAvailable"), cartItem.SKUObj.SKUAvailableItems);
// Product units were set to maximum allowed quantity
skuError += string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("Ecommerce.UpdateShoppingCart.ItemsNotAvailable"), cartItem.SKUObj.SKUAvailableItems);

// Set product units to maximum available quantity
cartItem.CartItemUnits = cartItem.SKUObj.SKUAvailableItems + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(shoppingCart.OrderSKUItems[cartItem.SKUID], 0);

if (isCartInDatabase)
// Update product units in database
// If there is enough available items to cover demand for zero items
else if (cartItem.CartItemUnits == 0)
shoppingCart.ItemsNotAvailable = true;

// User can increase zero quantity up to the maximum available items
if (availableUnits > 0)
skuError += string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("Ecommerce.UpdateShoppingCart.IncreaseProductNumber"), cartItem.SKUObj.SKUAvailableItems);
// User need to remove product from shopping to continue shopping
skuError += ResHelper.GetString("Ecommerce.UpdateShoppingCart.ProductDisabled");

// Apply discount
double unitPrice = cartItem.SKUObj.SKUPrice;
double unitPriceAfterDiscount = GetSKUPriceAfterDiscount(shoppingCart, cartItem, shoppingCart.DiscountCouponInfoObj, shoppingCart.DiscountLevelInfoObj);
double unitDiscount = unitPrice - unitPriceAfterDiscount;

// Calculate tax per one unit
double unitPriceWithTax = unitPriceAfterDiscount;
double unitTax = 0;

double taxValue = 0;
bool isFlat = false;
ArrayList usedStateTaxClasses = new ArrayList();

if (stateTaxClassView != null)
// Filter state tax class value for specified product
stateTaxClassView.RowFilter = "SKUID = " + cartItem.SKUID.ToString() + " AND StateID = " + shoppingCart.StateID;

foreach (DataRowView stateRow in stateTaxClassView)
if (taxIDSupplied && ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(stateRow["TaxClassZeroIfIDSupplied"], false))
// Zero tax if Tax ID is supplied
unitTax = 0;
// Use state tax value
taxValue = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(stateRow["TaxValue"], 0);
isFlat = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(stateRow["IsFlatValue"], false);

// Apply the tax
unitTax = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxValue(unitPriceAfterDiscount, taxValue, isFlat);
unitPriceWithTax += unitTax;

// Evaluate summary for each tax class
ShoppingCartInfo.AddTaxSummary(taxTable, stateRow.Row, Ecommerce.ExchangeTableInfoProvider.ApplyExchangeRate(unitTax * cartItem.CartItemUnits, shoppingCart.ExchangeRate));

// Mark tax class as state tax class
usedStateTaxClasses.Add(ValidationHelper.GetDouble(stateRow["TaxClassID"], 0));

// Evaluate taxes
if (taxClassView != null)
// Filter country tax class value for specified product
taxClassView.RowFilter = "SKUID = " + cartItem.SKUID.ToString();

foreach (DataRowView row in taxClassView)
if (!usedStateTaxClasses.Contains(ValidationHelper.GetDouble(row["TaxClassID"], 0)))
if (taxIDSupplied && ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["TaxClassZeroIfIDSupplied"], false))
// Zero tax if Tax ID is supplied
unitTax = 0;
// Use country tax value
taxValue = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(row["TaxValue"], 0);
isFlat = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["IsFlatValue"], false);

// Apply the tax
unitTax = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxValue(unitPriceAfterDiscount, taxValue, isFlat);
unitPriceWithTax += unitTax;

// Evaluate summary for each tax class
ShoppingCartInfo.AddTaxSummary(taxTable, row.Row, Ecommerce.ExchangeTableInfoProvider.ApplyExchangeRate(unitTax * cartItem.CartItemUnits, shoppingCart.ExchangeRate));

// Calculate totals
double subTotal = unitPriceWithTax * cartItem.CartItemUnits;
double subTotalDefaultCurrency = subTotal;
double taxSummary = (unitPriceWithTax - unitPriceAfterDiscount) * cartItem.CartItemUnits;

// Apply the exchange rates
subTotal = Ecommerce.ExchangeTableInfoProvider.ApplyExchangeRate(subTotal, shoppingCart.ExchangeRate);
taxSummary = Ecommerce.ExchangeTableInfoProvider.ApplyExchangeRate(taxSummary, shoppingCart.ExchangeRate);
unitDiscount = Ecommerce.ExchangeTableInfoProvider.ApplyExchangeRate(unitDiscount, shoppingCart.ExchangeRate);
unitPrice = Ecommerce.ExchangeTableInfoProvider.ApplyExchangeRate(unitPrice, shoppingCart.ExchangeRate);

// Add item row to the content table
DataRow newRow = shoppingCart.CreateShoppingCartContentRow(contentTable, cartItem, unitPrice, unitDiscount, taxSummary, subTotal, subTotalDefaultCurrency, skuError);

// Assign the tables
shoppingCart.ShoppingCartContentTable = contentTable;
shoppingCart.ShoppingCartTaxTable = taxTable;


This method is used when content of shopping cart is recalculated, therefore you can modify taxes here.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Abdel@Vern - 11/28/2011 8:45:26 AM
RE:where is the Tax value store per item line in the shopping cart?
You ned to create a custom TaxClassInfProvider, e.g. CustomTaxClassInfoProvider class, which inherits from the original TaxClassInfoProvider and then override DataSet TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxes(ShoppingCartInfo cart) method.

This method returns DataSet with the taxes which should be applied to the shopping cart items. Each row needs to have at least the following columns:
int SKUID – unique identifier of the product in COM_SKU table the tax should be applied to (that means that for one SKU there could be multiple taxes, i.e. multiple rows)
string TaxClassDisplayName – name of the tax which is displayed to the users in the shopping cart, in the invoice etc.
double TaxValue – Value of the tax based on the shoppping cart country and state, e.g. 20 means 20%

The following columns are optional:
bool TaxIsFlat –it is false by default. If it is true, it says that the TaxValue is 20 USD instead of the 20%

In the ShoppingCartInfo object there is all data collected during the checkout process, meaning that you can build your dataset according to any condtion (user, country, state, products, billing/shipping addresses

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EarlthQuakes21-gmail - 10/14/2013 10:31:52 PM
RE:where is the Tax value store per item line in the shopping cart?
Are you paying taxes on foreign earned income?
We will legally show you how to avoid paying U.S income tax on foreign earned income as well as other worldwide sources of income.

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usa taxes