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Version 5.x > Bug reports > CSS not backing up properly View modes: 
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netjib_david - 5/4/2010 11:43:44 AM
CSS not backing up properly

I tried to restore locally a production database. The restoration process went normally (no error message) but the local CSS file did not seem to update.

I tried backing up production and restoring locally a couple of time always with a similar result and no error message

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netjib_david - 5/4/2010 11:45:22 AM
RE:CSS not backing up properly
Sorry just realised I did not give any sys info. This website is running built v5.0.3758

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 5/18/2010 8:32:10 AM
RE:CSS not backing up properly

Firstly, I'm not pretty sure what exactly you mean by "local CSS file did not seem to update". Please provide us with further details. It might be just cached, therefore please try to delete browser cache. Alternatively, please try to restart your system.

Could you please let us know what CSS stylesheet do you mean? Are you talking about the main CSS stylesheet stored in databases available here: Site Manager -> Development -> CSS stylesheets?

Please check if you have it set correctly for your site: Site Manager -> Sites -> Edit -> General -> Site CSS stylesheet.

Or do you mean any other CSS stylesheet?

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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netjib_david - 5/18/2010 9:00:36 AM
RE:CSS not backing up properly
Hi Ondrej

Thank you for your reply. I actually managed to pin down the issue which actually laid with SQL Server.

The database backup process did not complete properly because of a concurent access issue and apparently some of the tables were ignored as a result.

A new database backup and restoration later that day proved successful.