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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Visual Inheritance Settings on the DOCUMENT level for linked documents show the inheritance path for the target document View modes: 
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Matt Mathias - 4/14/2010 4:42:10 PM
Visual Inheritance Settings on the DOCUMENT level for linked documents show the inheritance path for the target document
Visual Inheritance Settings on the DOCUMENT level for linked documents show the inheritance path for the source document not the linked document.

So for instance if you have the following folder structure

---News Item 1 (link to News Item 1 below)
---News Item 1
---News Item 2

The visual inheritance screen on the LINKED copy of "News Item 1" will say




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kentico_martind - 4/20/2010 4:27:50 AM
RE:Visual Inheritance Settings on the DOCUMENT level for linked documents show the inheritance path for the target document
Hi Matt,

This is by-design behavior as the linked documents actually contains data of the original document. Nevertheless I've passed this to our Product Manager as feature requirement and we will check if it would be possible to implement this in one of future versions.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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Certified  Developer v7
Matt Mathias - 4/28/2010 3:18:44 PM
RE:Visual Inheritance Settings on the DOCUMENT level for linked documents show the inheritance path for the target document
I understand that, except for one problem.

The visual inheritance settings work off of where the linked document is, not the original one. This becomes a huge problem when it is linked deeper in the tree then the original lives and you need to change the visual inheritance settings at a level deeper than the original has.

Either way it should either inherit the content where the original document is, or the visual inheritance settings on the linked document should show the current path of the linked document. Right now it works one way, but shows up a different way.

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Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/18/2010 4:19:53 AM
RE:Visual Inheritance Settings on the DOCUMENT level for linked documents show the inheritance path for the target document
Hi Matt,

I've passed this information to our Product Manager as well and he will take it into account. We will implement this functionality into one of future versions of Kentico CMS.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek