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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Cannot change "Group pages location" View modes: 
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clan1999-hotmail - 2/12/2010 2:12:13 PM
Cannot change "Group pages location"

When a new Group is created with Korean name, its code name is created as "_". And the Group pages location is created as "/Group-pages/_". I changed the page name to another name, but when I try to select Group pages location to the renamed page, it remains "/Group-pages/_"

Without this bug fix, my users will not be able to create Groups in Korean.

Thank you.

Seong Bae

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clan1999-hotmail - 2/14/2010 4:40:17 AM
RE:Cannot change "Group pages location"
I just checked out the BugTracker and it seems like this issue was resolved in one of the hotfixes. I'll install the updates and see if the problem goes away.

Thank you.

Seong Bae