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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Experiencing issues using 5.0 Deadlocked and Freezing when adding project files View modes: 
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eric - 1/26/2010 11:59:14 AM
Experiencing issues using 5.0 Deadlocked and Freezing when adding project files
We are trying to add several project files to the solution and then add this to our Subversion repository. When we do this we are experiencing lock ups in visual studio to the point that we are unable to complete this. I haven't experienced this with the previous version but we are unable to continue with this happening.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 1/27/2010 4:59:41 AM
RE:Experiencing issues using 5.0 Deadlocked and Freezing when adding project files

This isn't a Kentico CMS problem. Please contact the support department of Subversion repository. We are using Foundation server and we haven't experienced any similar issues.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko