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Version 5.x > Bug reports > iPhone copy function View modes: 
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jerome-r42 - 7/21/2010 10:36:39 AM
iPhone copy function

I started to build websites for smartphones but especially for iphone, I found something weird which happen only when you browse a website powered by Kentico CMS.

Usually when you browse the web with your iphone, you can copy text from safari to past it anywhere you want as shown here:
User image

But for the websites powered by Kentico CMS, you can't. I first thought it was because the pages were rendered in aspx but in fact, the function works well in any other websites using aspx (ex. http://www.microsoft.com/en/us/default.aspx)

I've no clue what's going on. Have you guys any idea about how to fix it (maybe in a future hotfix).


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/22/2010 4:12:36 AM
RE:iPhone copy function

What web part is used to display the text on the Kentico site? Are you using any javascripts? What CSS styles are used?

Could you please try to create a "blank" page for mobile device just with some plain text?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Jerome - 7/22/2010 8:15:40 AM
RE:iPhone copy function
I didn't try only on my websites, I also tryed on websites found on internet using Kentico, desktop websites and mobile websites. (kentico.com included)

blank mobile page: http://dev.r42.ca/mobile/blank

No custom js file such as jquery, etc.
A simple css is included but not used in this page.
It doesn't work, it's like there is a layer above everything that make impossible to select text.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/27/2010 11:21:04 AM
RE:iPhone copy function

after some googling and testing we've found this article. You have to change the CSS styles to allow the copy function.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Jerome - 8/2/2010 1:35:38 PM
RE:iPhone copy function
Does it work for you?
Tested and it doesn't for me.

Anyway the browser shouldn't disallow you to copy the text unless you use something like the -webkit-user-select: none; and I don't.

I placed this on the top of my CSS:
* {
-moz-user-select: text;
-webkit-user-select: text;

tryed also with auto / all.
I also removed the viewport meta tag but it doesn't change anything.


I am maybe missing something, I'll try to figure out what.

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Jerome - 8/4/2010 12:46:51 PM
RE:iPhone copy function
My bug happens only on iphone 2g and on previous, works on iOS4.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/9/2010 7:24:37 AM
RE:iPhone copy function

We tried it on iPhone 3G. By default, we are following current valid standards for mobile devices. I am sorry, but if some of the older devices are not supporting them, all you can do is to google for some kind of hack or other tricks (if available). I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus