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Version 5.x > Bug reports > document design mode is hiding View modes: 
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voladu - 10/6/2010 6:32:31 AM
document design mode is hiding
I build my site on default Corporate site. I completely deleted all unuseful docs. one of them was 'Partners'. Then i made new page with same name. But couldnt saw anything on Page and design tabs in my CMSdesk, preview and livesite empty too.
After some experiments i changed DocumentAlias in URLs on Property tab on 'partners1' and everything became well.
By the way, previous record with DocumentName='Partners' stay at CMS_Document table, but this doc doesnt present in recycle bin, and site works properly with both document names.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/8/2010 5:24:29 AM
RE:document design mode is hiding

Could you please tell us the exact version number of Kentico CMS you are using so we can try to reproduce your issue?

It is very strange and we have not encountered anything like this before.
On the Partners page - which page template was assigned to it? Were there any information displayed on the Properties -> General tab?

Any additional information like steps, screen shots would be much appreciated.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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voladu - 10/11/2010 7:52:42 AM
RE:document design mode is hiding
Thank you for reply
I use ver 5.5.3789
On the Partners page I assigned same template as for others.
Tell the truth dont remember exactly steps which cause this, but
1. there was default page "Partners" from "Corporate Site" sites template.
2. then I deleted this page
3. made new one with same name based on my template

This is screenshots with general tab and Page tab (Design tab have same view)


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/12/2010 10:03:01 AM
RE:document design mode is hiding

Could you please also post a link to a screen shot from Properties -> Templates section?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus