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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Reshaper Clashing View modes: 
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Chanan - 2/16/2011 10:11:46 AM
Reshaper Clashing

I am using VS 2010 + Resharper 5.1 - The web project grinds to a halt when trying to do anything such as open a file to edit it. I uninstalled Resharper and all is ok. I understand that this is most liekly a Resharper bug, but letting you know as well.

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Chanan - 2/17/2011 6:06:33 AM
RE:Reshaper Clashing
I have a guess at way this might be happening.

After I uninstalled Resharper, I added the project to SVN. (Using the Ankh SVN plugin). That first scan of the project to detect all the files locked up my VS for a good 10-15 minutes... I think it maybe due to the fact that it is a web site versus a web project. If I am not mistaken, the solution files for web projects have all the source files in them and the web projects don't - although why that should hang Resharper & SVN is beyond me... Also not sure that is the case anyway :)

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 2/24/2011 3:20:22 PM
RE:Reshaper Clashing

In general, source control systems sometimes have problems with handling large amount of files in the project. Sometimes even TFS crashes.
Some of our developers are using Reshaper, I believe that without any serious issues. I can try to get their opinion if you're interested.


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Kentico Developer Advocate
Kentico Developer Advocate
petrs - 2/27/2011 5:14:30 PM
RE:Reshaper Clashing
we've tried the trial version of ReSharper upon our solution which is stored in the TFS and did not encounter any problem except that the initial assembly caching is quite slow. It took several minutes but it ended up well. So i assume that your issue is caused by combination of AnkhSVN and ReSharper. I would recommend you to contact the support department of AnkhSVN.

Best regards,
Petr Svihlik

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Chanan - 3/1/2011 6:28:11 AM
RE:Reshaper Clashing
I haven't tried installing Resharper yet after I put everything into SVN. I will try it and see what happens.