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colin-thebeggfamily - 2/11/2011 6:58:12 PM
Metaweblog API Problem
Its probably easy to fix, but entries made with the Metaweblog API, either from Windows LiveWriter or iBlogger on the iPhone repeat the blog post summary in the blog post text field. Thus the summary is shown twice in the detailed blog transformation. Entries made on the web site directly in CMSDesk do not suffer from this anomaly.

Initially I removed the summary from the transformation, which made the Metweblog entries look good but messed up the Web Site entries.

Is there already a patch for it? How easy would it be for me to update my own copy (edit the cs file, recompile and upload)?

Colin Begg

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 2/22/2011 3:02:09 AM
RE:Metaweblog API Problem
Hi Colin,

you could disable the automatic summary like: Metaweblog API settings documentation.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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cbegg50 - 2/22/2011 6:38:53 AM
RE:Metaweblog API Problem
Hi Helena,
I tried that and it fixed the problem. Thanks very much. Unfortunately the Kentico free license was too restrictive for my family site, so I've removed the site now. I needed multiple editors, so each family member could upload their own photos, without letting just anyone see the photos.

Thanks for your help
