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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Global Staging tasks remain in the site you didn't sync them from View modes: 
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Brant - 4/19/2011 6:17:39 PM
Global Staging tasks remain in the site you didn't sync them from
I have multiple sites running in a single CMS, and content staging enabled on all of them. If I make a change to an object that is shared between multiple sites (a page template, for example), the object staging task shows up in all sites, which is fine.

However, once I've synchronized that change from one site's interface, the task remains in the object staging task list for all of the other sites in the same CMS. If it's a global change, then once I've synced it once, it should no longer need to be synced through the other sites, correct?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 4/20/2011 3:37:30 AM
RE:Global Staging tasks remain in the site you didn't sync them from

The reason, why staging task related to change in template object is logged for all sites within single instance, not for one site only is that template is a global object. However, it can be changed if you put following key into your web.config file:

<add key="CMSStagingLogGlobalObjectsOnlyForAssignedSites" value=“true“ />

This way the synchronization task willl be created only for sites that are assign to the template in the Site Manager - Development - Page Templates - your_template - Sites tab.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Brant - 4/20/2011 11:04:33 AM
RE:Global Staging tasks remain in the site you didn't sync them from
Perfect, Thanks!

We've also had issues that tasks that shouldn't be global showing up across all sites. For instance a task for a simple document content change on one site is showing up in the staging list for another. Should this web.config line fix that as well?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 4/22/2011 7:53:14 AM
RE:Global Staging tasks remain in the site you didn't sync them from

We have tried to reproduce described issue on 5.5 R2 (hotfix 5) version and without success. After document updating, the task was created only for appropriate site. We do not need to use a key.

What version of Kentico CMS you are using? Could you please upgrade the site and apply the latest hotfix to see if the issue will be fixed on your site?

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova