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Version 5.x > Bug reports > ASP.NET critical vulnerability MS11-100 View modes: 
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Gareth - 1/8/2012 1:06:37 PM
ASP.NET critical vulnerability MS11-100

with the release of MS11-100 to fix a critical vulnerabilities in .net has any one been able to apply this and confirm it has no negative effects on kentico?

basically it limits the number of POST and view state "variables" to 500


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/8/2012 9:48:07 PM
RE:ASP.NET critical vulnerability MS11-100

I have applied the MS fixes and I am not facing any issues nor I have not encountered or seen any reports from our customers. It is a .Net fix so I do not see any direct impact on Kentico (if it would damage .Net I am pretty sure it would have affected not only Kentico customers and you would see this on Google, etc.).

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus