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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Issue with getBizFileForm.aspx and Internet Explorer View modes: 
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shawnM-videoideas - 11/4/2011 12:53:45 PM
Issue with getBizFileForm.aspx and Internet Explorer
Hi all,

I have a client who is looking to send uploaded attachments via a auto responder e-mail. These attachments would be added to a biz form, the biz form sends the data to an e-mail, etc.

The problem they are running into is they have added the attachment's value to the e-mail, but when the user clicks it in Internet Explorer they are simply presented with a blank page.

In firefox, the attachment is downloaded just fine.


Is the URL that's being generated, I'm curious if there is anyway to get Internet Explorer to download the file? Thoughts?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
janh-kentico - 11/7/2011 3:23:02 AM
RE:Issue with getBizFileForm.aspx and Internet Explorer

The reason, why the attachment is displayed in FF but not in IE, is because you are logged into the CMS Desk in FF, but you are probably only a public user under the IE browser. All you need is set Read data rights for Non authenticated users for the BizForm module. So please switch to the Administration tab in the CMS Desk, go to the Permissions section, choose BizForms module and set Read data for Not authenticated users to true.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann