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Version 5.x > Bug reports > Loosing ViewState["CurrentStepIndex"] View modes: 
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diogo.rodrigues-avian.co - 2/20/2013 10:28:39 AM
Loosing ViewState["CurrentStepIndex"]
We are currently developing a shop, and we have added a shopping cart etc, and created the default shopping proccess through the cmsdesk.
Somehow, it seems to lose the "CurrentStepIndex" in the ShoppingCart.cs, in the "EcommerceProvider". I know this because it does not advance to the 3rd step, but if I change the "CurrentStepIndex" to be stored in a session it does work, but that is not a good solution.
We were wondering if anyone else had this issue.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 3/2/2013 11:22:25 AM
RE:Loosing ViewState["CurrentStepIndex"]

We haven't received any reports like that... could you please describe the steps that lead to this issue in more details?
Are you using any customizations in the code or controls?

Which version of Kentico CMS are you using exactly?

Any further details would be appreciated.

Thanks and regards,