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Version 5.x > New features > Add more information to the docs about using the API - DocumentAliasInfo View modes: 
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lancetek - 5/19/2011 8:15:35 AM
Add more information to the docs about using the API - DocumentAliasInfo
For example: today I couldn't find any info on how to create a new DocumentAlias and assign it to a TreeNode.

The Developer's guide API section didn't even mention DocumentAlias at all.


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kentico_michal - 5/23/2011 2:00:13 AM
RE:Add more information to the docs about using the API - DocumentAliasInfo
Hello Lance,

Regrettably, Developer’s guide does not cover this topic. So, I have created a new requirement for Developer’s guide. For now, I prepared a new Knowledge base article for you that gives you basic information on how to create a Document aliases using API: How to create a new document alias using API.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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lancetek - 9/8/2011 10:18:08 AM
RE:Add more information to the docs about using the API - DocumentAliasInfo
Thanks Michal, could someone please add a way to locate document aliases for a Node?

The only thing I've found is: DocumentAliasInfoProvider.GetDocumentAliases, but it doesn' seem to return consitant results - often if I already have a document with aliases, the dataset is empty. :(

Also seeing how to use DocumentAliasInfoProvider.DocumentAliasExists() would be helpful too.

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kentico_michal - 9/12/2011 12:36:47 AM
RE:Add more information to the docs about using the API - DocumentAliasInfo

You can get document aliases for a document using the following code:

GeneralConnection conn = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection();
// Get aliases
DataSet ds = GetDocumentAliases("AliasNodeID = " + nodeId, null, conn);
if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
// For each alias
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
DocumentAliasInfo infoObj = new DocumentAliasInfo(row);
if (infoObj != null)

Best regards,
Michal Legen