It would be nice if the import tool would check the destination field lengths and show a helpful message if some of the source data would be truncated or wouldn't fit.
As it stands right now, it seems to wait for SQL server to throw one of it's unhelpful exceptions, which doesn't always tell you what column you have a problem with!
example sql server error:
An error occured on import: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: INSERT INTO CONTENT_article ([ArticleName], [ArticleTeaserText], [ArticleTeaserImage], [ArticleText], [ArticleLeadParagraphText], [ArticleFooter], [ArticleImage], [ArticleShortHeadline], [ArticleHeadline] ) VALUES ( @ArticleName, @ArticleTeaserText, @ArticleTeaserImage, @ArticleText, @ArticleLeadParagraphText, @ArticleFooter, @ArticleImage, @ArticleShortHeadline, @ArticleHeadline); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS [articleID] : caused exception: String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
So in looking at that error, we can't tell which column has an issue. It means a longer debug cycle when we don't have enough info!