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Version 5.x > New features > Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview View modes: 
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lancetek - 5/14/2011 3:12:42 PM
Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
I'm doing a document import and step 7 never shows any data. It's a bit awkward since everytime need to modify an import value I have to import (or abort), close the program and then restart it again, load my profile and click through the 5 steps to get back to the column mapping form.

If step 7 showed some data, I'd at least have a fighting chance of seeing if my macros and column mappings were going to work as I'd intended.

Here's a row of data in step 5:
User image

Some light transformations in step 6:
User image

Nada in step 7:
User image

If I import the data after step 7, the data does go into Kentico, so it can obviously find the data.... it's just not helpfully displaying it here!


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Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/16/2011 8:00:46 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
Hi Lance,

I am trying to reproduce the issue according to screenshots but it shows data for me in the step 7.

Could you please send us the source table with data (it can be SQL scripts to create and fill the table) and then the mapping file (.fkmap) to Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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lancetek - 5/16/2011 8:17:15 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
Hi Helena,
I've just emailed the files to you. Please note that I don't have a .fkmap file. Do let me know if I can do anything else to assist you.


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Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/17/2011 5:59:54 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
Just for other visitors:

We were able to reproduce the issue and our developers fix this issue to the next version of Import Toolkit (Alpha 3).

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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lancetek - 5/18/2011 3:13:26 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
FYI - I thought I'd post this on the forum to help others, since part of this thread was done over email:

Hi Lance,

Thank you for your reply.

I was able to reproduce the issue. It occurs if the substring should be longer than the headline string is. You can test it with macros: ={%headline|(substring)0;10%} to see that it displays data correctly. We will inspect it and let you know.

Best regards,

Helena Grulichova
Senior Support Engineer

Hi Lance,

Thank you for your message.

I tested the scenario with both of substring macros as 0;10 (ArticleName and DocumentName). If one of them is 0;99, it does not preview data. If both of them is 0;10, they show data up.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Best regards,

Helena Grulichova
Senior Support Engineer

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lancetek - 5/18/2011 3:17:58 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
Hi Helen,
There's something else wrong here - even when I strip out the substring macros from the import, the 'review target data' doesn't work.

Here's the .iprofile I'm trying to use, note that some of the fields are just filled with text 'gumph', incase the database strings were too long or causing some sort of problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<target folder="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\lastWord" type="Documents" sitename="ia" classname="CMS.Article" fkmappings="CMS_Article.fkmap" importasproducts="False">
<location source="301" />
<source type="SQL" servername=".\sqlexpress" dbname="lwm_v2_20110510" authtype="WindowsAuthentication" query="select * from articles_live where article_id = 276">
<query><![CDATA[select * from articles_live where article_id = 276]]></query>
<mapping target="documentculture" source="=en-GB" />
<mapping target="articleleadparagraphtext" source="lead_paragraph" />
<mapping target="documentextensions" />
<mapping target="documentpagedescription" source="article_summary" />
<mapping target="requiresssl" />
<mapping target="documentname" source="=adasd" />
<mapping target="nodegroupid" />
<mapping target="documentcreatedwhen" source="go_live_date" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemrightimagehighlighted" />
<mapping target="articlefooter" />
<mapping target="documentcontent" />
<mapping target="documentusenamepathforurlpath" />
<mapping target="articleimage" />
<mapping target="documentmenuredirecturl" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemrightimage" />
<mapping target="documentmenucaption" />
<mapping target="documentmodifiedbyuserid" />
<mapping target="nodeid" />
<mapping target="documentcustomdata" />
<mapping target="nodecacheminutes" />
<mapping target="nodeinheritpagelevels" />
<mapping target="documentstylesheetid" />
<mapping target="nodeheadtags" />
<mapping target="documentpublishfrom" source="created_date" />
<mapping target="documentratingvalue" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemleftimage" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemimagehighlighted" />
<mapping target="documentcampaign" />
<mapping target="documentcreatedbyuserid" />
<mapping target="documenttype" source="=CMS.Article" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemrightimageover" />
<mapping target="documenttaggroupid" />
<mapping target="nodealias" source="=asdas" />
<mapping target="documentmenustylehighlighted" />
<mapping target="articletext" source="body_txt" />
<mapping target="documentpagetemplateid" source="=62" />
<mapping target="nodeorder" />
<mapping target="documentmenuclass" />
<mapping target="documentratings" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemimage" />
<mapping target="nodebodyelementattributes" />
<mapping target="documentmenustyleover" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemleftimagehighlighted" />
<mapping target="documenturlpath" source="=asdasd" />
<mapping target="documentshowinsitemap" source="=true" />
<mapping target="documentmenuiteminactive" />
<mapping target="articleshortheadline" source="=adasdd" />
<mapping target="documentmenujavascript" />
<mapping target="documentpagetitle" source="headline" />
<mapping target="documentmenuclasshighlighted" />
<mapping target="articleteaserimage" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemleftimageover" />
<mapping target="nodedoctype" />
<mapping target="issecurednode" />
<mapping target="documentpublishto" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemhideinnavigation" source="=false" />
<mapping target="nodeowner" />
<mapping target="documentmodifiedwhen" source="last_updated_date" />
<mapping target="articlename" source="=asdasd" />
<mapping target="nodecustomdata" />
<mapping target="documentmenuitemimageover" />
<mapping target="nodeguid" />
<mapping target="documenttags" source="tags" />
<mapping target="documentpagekeywords" source="tags" />
<mapping target="articleteasertext" source="article_summary" />
<mapping target="documentmenuclassover" />
<mapping target="nodeskuid" />
<mapping target="documentmenustyle" />

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lancetek - 5/18/2011 3:30:01 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
Here's a little video I've done of the problem: preview target data problem


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/18/2011 7:42:03 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
Hi Lance,

The version Alpha 2 cannot preview Document data (only the global objects) - this bug was already fixed in the version Alpha 3. It does not depend on the mapping. I tested the Alpha 1 with =value and it was working OK there. It would be helpful, if you test your scenario on the first version for 5.5. Can you?

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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lancetek - 5/18/2011 9:13:42 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview
Could you please provide a link for alpha 1 and alpha 3?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/23/2011 3:45:23 AM
RE:Import toolkit 5.5 data import preview

the Alpha 1 version works with Kentico CMS 5.5. You can download it here: Kentico CMS 5.5 Import Toolkit.

The Alpa 3 version is in progress now and is not yet released.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova