Design and CSS styles
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Member - 9/26/2010 3:48:46 PM
How to display ul li points property in editor?
I can bullet point in the editor and have the source code as below:


However I can NOT see the bullet points. From the editor's interface, I see them as standard text without any style. From the html interface, I see the bullet points.

How to display the bullet points in the editor's interface?

Thanks in advance.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/28/2010 1:20:58 AM
RE:How to display ul li points property in editor?

Could you please provide us some screenshots where are the bullet points visible and where are not?

1. I used you code in the editable text webpart. The bullet points were visible in Edit mode, in Preview mode and on live site too. (tested on v5.5.3912)

Could you also check if displaying of the bullet points is not disallowed in your css file for ul and li tags?

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Member - 12/4/2013 10:10:44 PM
RE:How to display ul li points property in editor?
I am also having the same problem, I am using Kentico 7.0. How do you allow/disallow ul/li tags? I don't think we have something like that in our css files. I can see ul/li in the live source page but it's not reflected in the frontend.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 12/5/2013 12:55:58 AM
RE:How to display ul li points property in editor?

Thank you for your message.

Is your list styled properly? You can checkout the following article for some examples of how can the list be styled

Also where are you putting this code? Can you also use some developers tools in your webbrowser to inspect the ul li element to see if css is applied ?

Let me know how it works.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek

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akram.amin - 12/5/2013 4:23:44 AM
RE:How to display ul li points property in editor?
I am adding bullet points in a wysiwyg html editor under form tab. Actually it seems that when I add an image next to the bullet point paragraph I get the problem, however if I remove the image then I can see the bullet point okay. So I tried to separate the image from the bullet point paragraph by putting the image in its own DIV then I tried to put it in its own TABLE TD but none of these worked.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 12/5/2013 7:36:43 AM
RE:How to display ul li points property in editor?

I just wanted to ask if it is shown on page tab or on live site? On the form tab the html editor is not applying site's CSS so this behaviour can be correct.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek

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akram.amin - 12/5/2013 3:41:52 PM
RE:How to display ul li points property in editor?
Good Day,
It doesn't show in page tab nor live site, so, like you're saying, may be it's the css that is causing it. But I don't know what to look for in the css file.
Your help much appreciated

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 12/6/2013 3:34:10 AM
RE:How to display ul li points property in editor?

In this case it would be best if you could inspect the <ul> and <li> elements to see if the CSS is being applied to them. You can use developers tools in your webbrowser. If you are using firefox I would recommend using FireBug addon in order to inspect this.

Also the CSS you can use with lists is in my previous post. If you click on the link I posted you should see a tutorial of how to work with lists. Also you can see some examples at this page ->

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek