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Ash - 1/29/2010 5:19:25 AM
Cloned LogonForm's custom code not called
I have cloned the Logon form and modified the Login1_LoggedIn() methos as follows:

// Redirect user to the return url if it is within the Client specific area, or redirect to the Client specific home page
bool busing_return_url = false;
string return_url = ValidationHelper.GetString(Request.QueryString["ReturnURL"], "");
if (return_url != "")
// if the Redirect URL is in the Client area, then redirect to there
if (return_url.Contains("/Clients/"))
busing_return_url = true;
if (!busing_return_url)
// check if user's starting alias path has been set
string user_starting_alias_path = CMS.CMSHelper.CMSContext.CurrentResolver.ResolveMacros("{%currentuser.userstartingaliaspath%}");
if (user_starting_alias_path != "") /* use the starting alias path */
UrlHelper.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/Clients/" + user_starting_alias_path + "/Home.aspx"));
else /* default to the News page accessible to all Clients */

The webpart has been changed on the page and I have proved the page is being loaded by adding/changing some static text. However, it appears my code is not being called because the webpart’s Default URL is always being loaded (irrespective of whether this property contains a value).

What am I missing?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 2/6/2010 3:56:05 AM
RE:Cloned LogonForm's custom code not called

I'm not sure what causes this issue. Could you please open Kentico CMS project in Visual Studio and debug your copy of web part and check if your redirection is accessed or which line of code redirects user to Default URL?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek