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kpaxton-gpworldwide - 4/13/2010 11:53:10 AM
CMSListMenu site wide highlighted class
I'm using the CMSListMenu and I've noticed that if you have RenderCSSClasses unchecked that nothing is highlighted when on a page. It seems that in order for any highlighted class to be rendered the RenderCSSClasses property must be checked. Otherwise I need to go into each pages properties>menu and put in a highlighted class name for each page. This becomes very cumbersome with a large site.

Is there any way to have a highlighted class render without having the full CSSClass names display?

I'm finding it much easier to style just using the basic tag declaration instead of the cumbersome classes that are rendered.

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DahlinDev - 4/14/2010 12:59:10 PM
RE:CMSListMenu site wide highlighted class
I am using the CMSListMenu. I don't have the RenderCSSClasses checked and active pages are highlighted for me.

Here is my tag:

<cms:CMSListMenu ID="CMSListMenu1" runat="server" ClassNames="CMS.MenuItem;ProRide.Race;ProRide.Racer" />

This is for

I also just finished a blog on using the CMSListMenu. It may be that you're not defining a different color for the Hlighlighted classes in your stylesheet.

Please take a look at:

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kpaxton-gpworldwide - 4/15/2010 1:33:49 PM
RE:CMSListMenu site wide highlighted class
I believe in your case the RenderCSSClasses is enabled by default. At least in your example on the blog it is showing the CMSListMenuItemLI classes for each li. But in my case I have all of that turned off so there are no classes associated with the ul's or li's unless it's the first or last li or the top level ul. The only way that I have been able to get it to work is if I go into each page's properties and set the menu highlighted class selection to display something. There has to be an easier way though.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 4/20/2010 8:42:10 AM
RE:CMSListMenu site wide highlighted class

This is by-design behavior - you need CSS classes to be rendered so the item can be marked as highlighted using CSS styles. Alternatively, you can use the solution you suggested - regrettably there is no easier way how to ensure this without enabling 'RenderCSSClasses'.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek