Design and CSS styles
Version 5.x > Design and CSS styles > Remove custom form default css class View modes: 
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luke-syndicut - 4/8/2010 10:19:46 AM
Remove custom form default css class

I am using a custom registration form & i want to remove the default css class when using a 'text box' field type. I can do this for all other field types by editing the relevant user control in the /CMSFormControls/ folder but i cant seem to find a control for the 'text box'. The css class being rendered is 'TextBoxField'.



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DahlinDev - 4/14/2010 12:52:00 PM
RE:Remove custom form default css class
Have you tried just re-defining the class in your own style sheet, thus overriding any styles in the default style sheet?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 4/16/2010 3:11:42 AM
RE:Remove custom form default css class
Hi Luke,

Regrettably, this form control and class are defined in .dll file so it's not possible to remove class without license with source code, but you can just not specify any styles declaration for this class in your stylesheet.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
luke-syndicut - 4/16/2010 3:36:01 AM
RE:Remove custom form default css class
Ok thanks Martin, ideally i wanted to remove the class all together as i am using the Telerik Form Decorator but i'm sure i can find a way around this.



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 4/16/2010 5:31:42 AM
RE:Remove custom form default css class
Hi Luke,

you could optionally create custom form control where you just add asp:textbox control and use it instead of the default one.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek