Design and CSS styles
Version 5.x > Design and CSS styles > CSS DropDown Menu View modes: 
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a.venner-advansystechnologies - 2/12/2010 3:24:21 AM
CSS DropDown Menu

I have set a DropDown Menu on my website, but all the elements and sub-elements are on the same css class <cssprefix>CMSMenu, so my level 0 items are the same of the level 1 items, and I can't set the design of the sub elements. There is a way to do it ?

Thanks in advance

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/15/2010 4:26:09 AM
RE:CSS DropDown Menu

I would like to recommend to use CSS list menu web part, where you have more options to use CSS styles to style your menu. You can find some examples in Corporate sample site -> Examples -> Web parts -> Navigation. I hope it will help.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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a.venner-advansystechnologies - 2/16/2010 8:36:25 AM
RE:CSS DropDown Menu
It's same problem, sub menu items have same css class than first items.... we can't set another background color for the sub menu items...

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/16/2010 11:15:45 AM
RE:CSS DropDown Menu

If you set the CSS List menu to render CSS classes and use alternating styles, you can style the sub items using the sequence of the classes in which is the item, for example something like this:

.CMSListMenuHighlightedLI .CMSListMenuUL .CMSListMenuLI .CMSListMenuLink
your styles;

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus