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emanuele.firmani-aduno-gruppe - 1/21/2010 1:29:32 AM
Lightbox doesn't render images
I'm trying to set a lightbox up.
First issue:Ii cannot select images from a media library, only from a folder in the web site structure tree.

I was able to create correctly an image gallery, showing my 5 images in a grid and everything was fine. When I tried to use the Lightbox web part, it shows me 5 "not found" images, whose URLs are http://localhost/getattachment/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/IMAGENAME.aspx?maxsidesize=150. Using the image gallery i got not null GUIDs.

I tried using several transformations; at the moment I'm using CMS.File.Lightbox and CMS.File.LightboxSelected.

Please, may you help me?

Emanuele Firmani

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kentico_ondrejv - 1/26/2010 8:27:24 AM
RE:Lightbox doesn't render images

Could you please provide us with the transformation which returns that GUID?

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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emanuele.firmani-aduno-gruppe - 1/26/2010 8:33:36 AM
RE:Lightbox doesn't render images
<a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>" rel="lightbox[group]" rev="<%# Eval("NodeAliasPath") %>" title="<%# Eval("FileDescription", true) %>"><img src="<%# GetFileUrl("FileAttachment") %>?maxsidesize=150" alt="<%# Eval("FileName", true) %>" /></a>

This is one of the transformation i got out of the box.

Emanuele Firmani

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John - 1/30/2010 12:21:07 PM
RE:Lightbox doesn't render images

I have the same exact prolem here!

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kentico_ondrejv - 2/2/2010 1:36:27 AM
RE:Lightbox doesn't render images

Could you please make sure that you have set correctly lightbox properties, especially please double check Path, Document types and Transformation?

Another thing to check is that files exist within the content tree.

In fact, those null guids are typically shown when file can't be found by control.

Please let us know your findings.

Best Regards
Ondrej vasil

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emanuele.firmani-aduno-gruppe - 2/2/2010 3:07:29 AM
RE:Lightbox doesn't render images
I was able to resolve the problem by creating two new transformations:

<a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>" rel="lightbox[group]" rev="<%# Eval("NodeAliasPath") %>" title="<%# Eval("FileDescription", true) %>">
<img src="<%# Eval("NodeAliasPath") %>.aspx?maxsidesize=150" alt="<%# Eval("FileName", true) %>" />


<img src="<%# Eval("NodeAliasPath") %>.aspx" title="<%# Eval("FileName") %>" alt="" />

I think the problem is the GetFileUrl("FileAttachment") method.

Please, let me know if what I've done is correct or not (probably, it's not).

Emanuele Firmani

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kentico_ondrejv - 2/15/2010 7:37:29 AM
RE:Lightbox doesn't render images

It might work as well, it just don't use getattachment function (with guid) to show the image.

However it's strange, have you modified the CMS.File document type? Could you please check the FileAttachment field if it has 'File' as an Attribute type?

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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emanuele.firmani-aduno-gruppe - 2/15/2010 7:45:42 AM
RE:Lightbox doesn't render images
No, I didn't modify it.
Yes, tge FileAttachment attribute has "File" as setted value in the dropdown Attribute type.

Emanuele Firmani

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kentico_ondrejv - 3/2/2010 3:30:21 AM
RE:Lightbox doesn't render images

Could you please send us an export package of your site with brief description where to look to

Thank you in advance for cooperation.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil