Design and CSS styles
Version 5.x > Design and CSS styles > Adding CSS class to unordered list View modes: 
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Member - 6/5/2010 2:14:47 AM
Adding CSS class to unordered list

I am trying to add a style to the FCKEditor style drop down for an unordered list under fckstyles.xml - the class works fine on any other element (such as a span, div, or p) but for some reason it won't show up if I try to assign it to an unordered list:

<Style name="Ticks" element="ul">
<Attribute name="class" value="ticks"/>

Doesn't work

<Style name="Ticks" element="span">
<Attribute name="class" value="ticks"/>

Does work

Are you able to shed any light on this?

I also tried to add it via fckconfig.js, and got the same result.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 6/7/2010 6:22:29 AM
RE:Adding CSS class to unordered list

if you see the source code are there the UL element? If so, does it have the class attribute?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Member - 6/8/2010 4:38:47 AM
RE:Adding CSS class to unordered list
Hi Helena,

Yes there is a ul element in the FCKEditor and yes there is a class attribute. I've also tried it on a page without a UL element with the same result.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 6/10/2010 4:58:59 AM
RE:Adding CSS class to unordered list
Hi David,

Regrettably, it is a bug of FCKEditor. Please see here: for more details. Could you please apply the styl to <ul> in the source of Editable region? (the first icon of toolbar)

Hopefully, it is fixed in CKEditor which will be included in the 6.0 version.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova