Design and CSS styles
Version 5.x > Design and CSS styles > Style toolbar issue View modes: 
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netjib_david - 10/28/2010 9:11:28 AM
Style toolbar issue

I have added a new style to the FCKEditor Style toolbar for hyperlinks and although it get listed, when I come to apply it nothing happens.

I cleared the cache and followed the procedure a few times with no result. So here is what I did (step by step). Could someone tell me what I seem to miss:

1. Opened <web project>\CMSAdminControls\FCKeditor\fckstyles.xml in VS2010
2. Added the following to inline styles:

<Style name="VideoLink" element="a">
<Attribute name="rel" value="shadowbox" />

3. Saved the change
4. Opened browser (Chrome) and cleared the cache
5. Log in to Kentico and opened the page
6. Added some text, highlighted it and created a hyperlink using the toobar shortcut
7. Once the link is in place I re-select/highlight the text and then pick Videolink from the dropdown list but nothing happens and the source code is unchanged.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

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netjib_david - 10/28/2010 9:13:38 AM
RE:Style toolbar issue
Hi again

I forgot to mention that I am working with Kentico 5.0 (build 3784)

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 11/2/2010 10:22:53 AM
RE:Style toolbar issue

The <a> tag is not selectable as for example <img> tag in the FCK Editor v 2.6.x (this version of FCK Editor is used in the Kentico 5.0). That is a reason why style you have defined is not supported by FCKEditor.
For more details please take a look here:

This feature is supported in FCKEditor v3.

FCKEditor v3 (CKEditor) will be integrated in KenticoCMS since v6.0:

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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netjib_david - 11/3/2010 4:51:37 AM
RE:Style toolbar issue
Hi Ivana

Thanks for feedback and I can't wait for v6.0 now ;-)

In the meantime I will have to rely on custom javascript.

Thanks again