Design and CSS styles
Version 5.x > Design and CSS styles > Custom layout and style for admin interface? View modes: 
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mattias.andren-lbi - 3/4/2011 6:55:00 AM
Custom layout and style for admin interface?
Is there anyway in Kentico to customize the admin-gui and replaceing it with my own html and styles and such?

//Thanks in advance!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/7/2011 6:25:01 PM
RE:Custom layout and style for admin interface?

Yes, the UI files are available within the web project - so you can change their look&feel as well as the functionality. When you use FireFox browser and click right into some frame you are interested in then "This frame" -> "View frame info" you can see the path to the aspx page which is serving content of the frame. So, you can locate that page, change it, see which controls are used, etc.

Also, this might help you if you want to change the functionality - customizing the UI interface and web app. events.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus