Design and CSS styles
Version 5.x > Design and CSS styles >   added to empty elements View modes: 
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mark87dotcom - 5/16/2011 1:27:46 PM
  added to empty elements
Why does Kentico add a   to an empty element? As an example, every time I make a change to a page with <div class="myStlye"></div> and save it, the next time I look at the page, it will be <div class="myStlye"> </div>

I have to manually remove these out of my design because it creates way more space than I want!

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mark87dotcom - 5/16/2011 1:28:49 PM
RE:  added to empty elements
Hmm, looks like the forum removed the non-breaking space HTML code... anyway that's what I'm referring to in the post above... a non-breaking space.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 5/24/2011 12:51:19 PM
RE:  added to empty elements

This is most probably due to a bug in the FCKEditor, connected with browsers behavior.
Are you adding it in the HTML Text area, right?

This issue should be addressed in the next version, there are many records (try google) about this bug even from other CMS systems users.
Currently it would be possible to make a workaround in source code only.
Thank you for your understanding.
