Design and CSS styles
Version 5.x > Design and CSS styles > Serving woff or .min.js Files View modes: 
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Member - 3/26/2012 12:21:56 AM
Serving woff or .min.js Files
I've uploaded woff and javascript files that have been minimised (hence xxxx.min.js) to a media library but Kentico is unable to serve any of these files to the browser when the site is viewed. Kentico will serve the other file extensions but as soon as a .woff or .min.js file is requested, a 403 - Forbidden error is thrown to the user instead.

I suspect it's the http handlers trying to so something with the files but nothing actually needs to be performed. I have allowed all files to be uploaded to the media library but I don't know what other setting I'm missing.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 3/26/2012 3:48:04 AM
RE:Serving woff or .min.js Files

When I have set .js and .woff extensions to Site Manager -> Settings -> Media libraries -> Media file allowed extensions, then I was able to upload those file types and also download them from a live site. I have the latest hotfix for version 5.5 R2, so I recommend you to apply it as well.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann