Design and CSS styles
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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 10/9/2011 4:45:55 PM
Forum Styling
Where can I find documentation on styling the forum web part? Do I have to add all the defined classes in my style sheet? I know I have to create a layout in <web project>\CMSModules\Forums\Controls\Layouts but just figured there would be a way to select a forum theme.

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kentico_michal - 10/10/2011 1:26:38 AM
RE:Forum Styling

Regrettably, we do not have any documentation related to forums styles. The easiest way is to inspect the generated HTML code and to see what CSS classes are applied. I would recommend you to use the Firefox browser with the Firebug extension (Firebug) which allows you to do so.

If you want more information about customizing forum layout, I would like to point you at the following section of Developer’s guide: Customizing forum design

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 10/20/2011 10:13:32 PM
RE:Forum Styling
Thanks for teh info Michal. I've recently upgraded to 6.0 and just copied the flat layout and put it in the Custom folder and renamed the classes etc and get this error:

CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfo<CMS.Forums.ForumPostInfo>.DataClass' is inaccessible due to its protection level. E:\WebApps\Kentico60\CMSModules\Forums\Controls\Layouts\Custom\LayOut1\ThreadEdit.ascx.cs

Any idea on how to correct this? I like how the current forum is laid out which is why I copied it but just want to modify a few things on it.

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kentico_michal - 10/25/2011 6:26:33 AM
RE:Forum Styling

This seems to be a result of some customization you have done. Could you please spell out what customization have you made?

Moreover, what do you mean by "renamed the classes etc".

Anyway, the upgrade procedure that allows you to upgrade from R2 to 6.0 has not been released yet. So, I suppose that you are using fresh installation of Kentico CMS 6.0. Is that correct?

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 10/25/2011 7:20:13 AM
RE:Forum Styling
I physically copied the contents of /CMSModules/Forums/Controls/Layouts/Flat to /CMSModules/Forums/Controls/Layouts/Custom and renamed the Flat folder to Test1.

Then edited each .cs page to have a class name of:
public partial class CMSModules_Forums_Controls_Layouts_Custom_Test1_<file_name>

Then edited the .ascx controls to Inherit the modified class name above.

You are correct, I didn't upgrade, I just did a fresh install, exported and imported my website. Also, I have not done any customizations outside the user interface except for this and adding a Theme.

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 10/25/2011 7:29:35 AM
RE:Forum Styling
Well after trying again, I must have misspelled a class name because when I did it a 4th time, it worked as I'd exepcted it to. Thanks again.