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jgriffith-nfusion - 11/14/2011 2:52:51 PM
Bizforms - Thank you page showing form instead of thank you page

I have an issue where thank you pages for contact forms are displaying the contact forms as opposed to the thank you page. The url is even the url of the thank you page. I can't figure out what is happening on the backend to cause something like this.

An example of url structure:

contact form: /contact-us/entry-d/diagnostics/
thank you: /contact-us/thank-you-diagnostics/

If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated.


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jgriffith-nfusion - 11/14/2011 6:14:40 PM
RE:Bizforms - Thank you page showing form instead of thank you page
After taking a second look at this, I realized what I said might not make much sense. After submission of a contact form (/contact-us/entry-d/diagnostics/), the user is redirected to /contact-us/thank-you-diagnostics/ but the content for /contact-us/entry-d/diagnostics/ displays. I do not know what would cause this behavior...

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 11/15/2011 2:02:47 AM
RE:Bizforms - Thank you page showing form instead of thank you page

Could you please post screenshots of your BizForm setup so we can try to recreate the issue on our side? Additionally, which version of Kentico are using?

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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jgriffith-nfusion - 11/15/2011 3:08:28 PM
RE:Bizforms - Thank you page showing form instead of thank you page
I figured this out. Apparently a trailing slash at the end of the thank you pages was rewriting the url to fall back to the contact form. Not exactly sure why. It is fixed now.