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henry - 3/14/2012 10:11:11 PM
hiding menu items from cmsdesk content tab
Hi guys, just had a weird edge case question;

we're developing some stuff for a client where they want an extremely secure subsite which only specific content editors and users can access (so content editors for the rest of the site should not be able to see it)

It's structured like:

- news
- events
- other content
- secure secret site

I've taken a look at and tried disinheriting permissions to the "secure secret site" Document that we want hidden and removed Browse tree permissions etc; while this hides content below that node, the node itself still appears within CMSDesk. I suspect this is because we need to remove browse tree from CMS root itself but that would mean they wouldn't be able to get to News, Events and the other parts.

Is the only option editing CMSModules/Content/Controls/ContentTree.ascx.cs to check for that specific node and not add it if the user does not have the right permissions?

Warm regards,


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 3/22/2012 4:08:54 AM
RE:hiding menu items from cmsdesk content tab

You could choose page(menu item) secure secret site from content tree menu of CMS Desk, go to "Properties-> Security" tab. You can select user here and define his permissions. To set some page(menu item) invisible for current user set "Full control" for "Deny" field.

With this setting the secure secret site menu item will be visible for user in the CMS desk, but he will not be able to browse it/read it, etc...

Then in navigation web parts on live site this menu item will not be visible at all. You just need to check option "Check permissions" in properties of web part.

If you need to hide the node from the CMS Desk content tree, please check option Check document permissions

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova