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seanbun - 3/15/2011 12:28:26 AM
Document Attachment Control - Transformation
How I could display multiple image stored in a document attachment control? What transformation method should I use?

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dvanbale - 3/15/2011 2:27:37 AM
RE:Document Attachment Control - Transformation
Hello Sean,

I recently also had this problem, however, with the help of Kentico support, I used this to retrieve a list of all the attachments of a field for the current page.

List<Guid> guidList = new List<Guid>();
Guid attachmentGroupguid = Guid.Empty;

DataClassInfo dci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass("CodeNameOfDocumentType");

if (dci != null)
FormInfo fi = new FormInfo(dci.ClassFormDefinition);
FormFieldInfo ffi = fi.GetFormField("FieldName");
attachmentGroupguid = ffi.Guid;

AttachmentManager am = new AttachmentManager();
DataSet ds = am.GetAttachments("AttachmentGroupGUID = '" + attachmentGroupguid.ToString() + "' AND AttachmentDocumentID = '" + CMSContext.CurrentDocument.DocumentID + "'", "AttachmentOrder", false);

Please let me know if this is satisfactory.


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seanbun - 3/15/2011 5:32:22 PM
RE:Document Attachment Control - Transformation
Hi Dvanbale,

Thanks for you answer. It is awesome. It is definition worth to add to the documentation. I think the code is looking for the AttachmentGroupGUID from the ClassFormDefinition field in CMS_Class table and get all the attachments with that GUID in the CMS_Attachment table.


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dvanbale - 3/16/2011 4:21:12 AM
RE:Document Attachment Control - Transformation
Hello Sean,

I'm glad the solution worked out for you. I agree that this should be added to the Kentico documentation aswell, I've only been able to retrieve this information with the help from Kentico documentation.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/28/2011 4:35:26 PM
RE:Document Attachment Control - Transformation

Thank you for your suggestion. I did submit it as possible documentation improvement and we will consider it.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik