ASPX templates
Version 5.x > ASPX templates > IE 8 issues View modes: 
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jtimberline1 - 1/6/2010 10:55:58 AM
IE 8 issues
When I pull up the corporate site template in IE 8 (CMS Desk) the tables aren't lined up correctly as they are when I pull the site up in firefox. In IE 8 I don't get the "edit" button to display either when in the CMS Desk. All the icons are vertical and not horizontal like they are in firefox. Will this be a problem for IE 8 users when they see my site? Will my tables be off positioned?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 1/10/2010 4:47:03 AM
RE:IE 8 issues

Could you please provide us with some screenshots?

Also, could you please see it on another computer with IE8? Do you see any difference?

Moreover please try to remove any add-ons you have installed on your IE8 browser. Add-ons might interfere with Kentico CMS's styles and javascript.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil