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Version 5.x > ASPX templates > the ononBeforeSave not being hit View modes: 
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hotfrost-gmail - 1/11/2010 12:23:56 PM
the ononBeforeSave not being hit

trying to do something on ononBeforeSave Event in BizForm object and it just not ever landing there...
What can be a problem?

<cms:BizForm ID="businessForm" runat="server" IsLiveSite="true" OnOnBeforeSave="businessForm_OnBeforeSave" />

code behind:

protected void businessForm_OnBeforeSave()
int i = 2;

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 1/20/2010 9:45:59 AM
RE:the ononBeforeSave not being hit

I've tried this code in my instance of Kentico CMS 5.0 and it works well on my end. Could you please let me know how have you checked if code is accessed? Could you please optionally try to add following code into this method and check if it writes string into page after BizForm is submitted:


Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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hotfrost-gmail - 1/20/2010 10:13:12 AM
RE:the ononBeforeSave not being hit
Hello Martin,

well, i have used the debugger in VS and I clicked on standard 'save button' on biz form.
the code never hit the break point inside that method..

regardless, we chose another way to work with Kentico (not through BizForms), so the question is out of context now.

thanks though for your reply.