ASPX templates
Version 5.x > ASPX templates > Lightbox image gallery View modes: 
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Member - 6/5/2010 11:50:34 PM
Lightbox image gallery

I want to display images from a particular folder within my media library, I have uploaded them into 3 different folders, and have included the lightbox web part on my page, however nothing is appearing on the page. The container/javascript code/etc are all there, it just appears there's no items in the datasource.

Here is my code:

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Viewers/Effects/lightbox.ascx" TagName="lightbox" TagPrefix="uc1" %>

<uc1:lightbox id="lightbox" runat="server" path="/media/images/Gallery/Product/%" pagingmode="QueryString" ClassNames="CMS.File" TransformationName="CMS.File.Lightbox" SelectedItemTransformationName="CMS.File.ImageGallery_detail800" EnablePaging="True" PagerPosition="bottom" PageSize="12" LightBoxOverlayOpacity="0.7" visible="true" />

I have tried changing the path to /images/Gallery/Product/%, /images/%, even tried leaving it blank but with the same result. I have confirmed the transformations are all there.

I have tried calling lightbox.ReloadData() in the code behind, but with the same result.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 6/7/2010 6:08:13 AM
RE:Lightbox image gallery

could you please try to use the path: /% ?

Where do you use the code? On ASPX template?

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Member - 6/8/2010 4:32:50 AM
RE:Lightbox image gallery
Hi Helen,

Yes I tried using that path, but with the same result. Yes I am using it on an ASPX template. I've placed breakpoints in lightbox.ascx and it seems to be executing just fine.

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Member - 6/8/2010 7:36:49 AM
RE:Lightbox image gallery
Ah, it's okay, I see how it works now - images have to be uploaded to the content tree, not the media gallery.