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ricardo.fiel - 5/18/2010 10:29:21 AM
Using community webparts and their transformations in aspx templates

We're developing a site with aspx templates. We've now reached the stage where we need to add community features (basically the ones in the community site template).

We're adding community webparts to our aspx templates, but using the transformations is being a pain. We've disabled the VirtualPathProvider (as we can't enable it on the staging and production environments), ran the "save all objects to disk" and we're trying to use and edit the transformations in the filesystem.

Most of the times, we're getting a "The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>)." when using the default community transformations.

<cms:groupmenucontainer runat="server" ID="groupMenuElem" MenuID="groupContextMenu" Parameter='<%# Eval("GroupID") %>' ContextMenuCssClass="UserContextMenu">

If we remove the Parameter='', it doesn't throw the error, but doesn't work.

What are we doing wrong? Is there a better way to implement community in this scenario?

Thank you very much for your help on this,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/1/2010 5:49:37 AM
RE:Using community webparts and their transformations in aspx templates
Hi Ricardo,

Do you mean you have added groupmenucontainer control into transformation of some viewer web part? If so, could you please let me know which particular web part you use and also provide me with whole transformation you use?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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ricardo.fiel - 6/7/2010 6:01:33 AM
RE:Using community webparts and their transformations in aspx templates
Hi Martin,

Sorry for the long wait, I've been away for a while.

What we did was save all obejcts to disk, so we got the transformations in the CMSTransformations folder.
groupmenucontainer is being used in CMSTransformations\Community\Transformations\GroupsPreviewList.ascx and GroupsList.ascx.

Do you have an email account to where I can sendo you the files?

Kind regards,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/13/2010 1:58:34 PM
RE:Using community webparts and their transformations in aspx templates
Hi Ricardo,

Could you please send me these files to Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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ricardo.fiel - 6/18/2010 8:56:45 AM
RE:Using community webparts and their transformations in aspx templates
Thanks. Will package and send them in a while. We've removed menucontainer, so it's working for now and we're in a hurry for a sprint release.