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adam-syndicut - 9/8/2010 1:47:03 PM
How to set up message board for authenticated users
I have the messageboard webpart displaying in my aspx template. i want to set it up so anyone can read the posts but only logged in users can post and see the form used.

how would i go about this? tried the properties on the webpart but nothing makes it do this. are there settings i need to do in site manager or cms desk.

ugent help as i need to do this by yesterday!

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/9/2010 2:59:15 AM
RE:How to set up message board for authenticated users
I am not sure if you are using Portal Engine or aspx templates. In case of portal engine you can insert two webparts on your page:
1. Message Board
2. Message Board Viewer - visible for all

The message board web part will be visible only for authenticated users, if you set Display to roles Property of webpart to _authenticated_.

If you are using aspx templates, kindly let me know.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Certified Developer v7
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adam-syndicut - 9/9/2010 3:50:34 AM
RE:How to set up message board for authenticated users
Hi i'm using aspx templates

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
adam-syndicut - 9/9/2010 3:51:29 AM
RE:How to set up message board for authenticated users
could you also tell me how to get the ratings property working so it displays stars etc

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/10/2010 2:43:42 AM
RE:How to set up message board for authenticated users

you can find inspiration in following aspx WebPart (there is used MessageBoard and MessageBoard Viewer):


To make MassageBoard visible only for authenticated users, add following attribute into MessageBoard definition please:


As for content rating:

1. You will need to register content rating webpart:

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/ContentRating/ContentRating.ascx" TagName="ContentRating"
TagPrefix="uc1" %>

2. And insert control to your aspx template:

<uc1:ContentRating ID="cntStars" runat="server" Visible="false" RatingType="Stars"
ShowResultMessage="true" ResultMessage="Current rating: {0:0.#} ({1} ratings)"
MessageAfterRating="Thank you for your rating." MaxRatingValue="5" EnableViewState="false" />

P.S. I moved this thread to ASPX templates.

Best regards,

Ivana Tomanickova