Thank you for information. Could you please try to use following transformations:
In case of following structure:
Products (page (menuitem) document type with repeater webpart)
--Benefit 1 - your custom document type
---Support feature1 - your custom document type with attachments in Properties - Attachments
---Support feature2
--Benefit 2
In the Properties of repeater webpart (on Products page) set
Document types: Product_Benefits_code_name;
Nested controls ID: SupportingFeatureRepeater
Then you can modify the transformation following way:
<div class="bigBenefit">
<a name="<%# Eval("Title") %>"></a>
<%# Eval("Title") %>
<cms:CMSRepeater OrderBy="NodeOrder" ID="SupportingFeatureRepeater" runat="server" ClassNames="custom.supporting_feature" TransformationName="custom.supporting_feature.Default" Path='<%#Eval("NodeAliasPath")+"/%"%>' ></cms:CMSRepeater>
Here is the transformation from the supporting feature:
<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Attachments/AttachmentLightBoxGallery.ascx"
TagName="AttachmentLightboxGallery" TagPrefix="cms" %>
<div class="supportingFeature">
<div class="screenShots">
<div class="ScreenShotGallery">
<cms:AttachmentLightboxGallery ID="AttachmentLightboxGallery" runat="server" TransformationName="cms.root.attachmentLightbox" SelectedItemTransformationName="cms.root.attachmentLightboxDetail" Path='<%# Eval("NodeAliasPath") %>' />
This way images should be displayed below supported feature document type. I couldn't reproduce your error. The gallery was working.
In case you are still facing the issue:
1. Just to be sure: Are you using Portal Engine or ASPX templates?
2. What version (hotfix) of
CMS are you using?
3. If you are using ASPX templates, could you please insert your template?
4. Where you can see the error? On the live site or in the CMS Desk?
Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova