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seanbun - 12/20/2010 10:45:52 PM
API: run a custom table query

I have defined a query on a custom table. Is there any class on the API I can run the self defined query?

I tried the CustomTableItemProvider class and Getitems. It would run the selectall query by default.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 12/22/2010 3:47:40 PM
RE:API: run a custom table query

You can run a custom query if you first create it either manually in the CMS_Query table or through the administration interface. Here is an example:

using CMS.DataEngine;


GeneralConnection cn = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection();
DataSet ds = null;

object[,] parameters = new object[1, 3];
parameters[0, 0] = "@UserName";
parameters[0, 1] = "johns";

ds = cn.ExecuteQuery("cms.user.selectbyname", parameters);

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova