ASPX templates
Version 5.x > ASPX templates > 3 col text layout View modes: 
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adam-syndicut - 2/10/2011 1:53:28 PM
3 col text layout
using cmstemplates and docuement types.

the layout for the main body text of a page is 3 equal columns.

is there away of having one editable html region in the form tab and some how splitting this to display in the 3 cols on the front end?

i guess the implications are if have html tags then you could end up with the start in one col and the end in the other causeing the page to break.

is this possible?

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adam-syndicut - 2/16/2011 10:40:55 AM
RE:3 col text layout
anyone got any solutions or suggestions for this?

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dvanbale - 2/16/2011 2:45:35 PM
RE:3 col text layout
Hello Adam,

Do you need one HTML input field to distribute it to different columns or would you like 3 HTML input fields each one specific to a column?

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adam-syndicut - 2/17/2011 3:51:30 AM
RE:3 col text layout
i can already do it with 3 editors wanted to do it with one if it can be done

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kentico_ivanat - 2/17/2011 8:21:50 AM
RE:3 col text layout

Unfortunately, the requested behavior is not supported. Why your editors need only one editable field for 3 columns? Maybe we could find some alternative solution - but splitting the editable text field content is not the way how to manage it.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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dvanbale - 2/17/2011 1:56:22 PM
RE:3 col text layout
Ivana is correct that this functionality is not available out of the box.

However, since you're using form fields to customize your page, you can use the following C# line to retrieve the value from your page:

testLabel.Text = CMSContext.CurrentDocument.GetValue("TestField").ToString();

In this example I retrieve the form field named "TestField" and place it inside the Label named "testLabel".

The only challenge that remains for you is how to split up the retrieved value between the 3 columns.

But as Ivana mentioned, if it's possible, please use 3 different html regions.