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Version 5.x > ASPX templates > File storage - Performance View modes: 
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seanbun - 2/9/2011 12:41:58 AM
File storage - Performance
Finished reading the article. (very useful article.)

I set my files store in db and filesystem. I expect the performance will be hurt on the first time web pages load. Once all files have redirected from db to disk. The website performance should be enhanced. However, since files store in file system. Every time when I request a file, it requires a redirect to get the file.

e.g. /getattachment/[guid]/[nodename] -> /file/01/[physical file path]

Since there are plenty of image in my website. They redirect would hurt both IIS and DB very much. (I do not use webfarm and only have one single IIS)

I tried the other approach. Apparently, if I turn off the "Store files in file system" and turn on the cache. The overall performance is much better. No more redirect and stores images in cache now.

Does anyone have same sort of situation? Is there any other approach to deal with this? Please advise.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 2/15/2011 3:16:46 AM
RE:File storage - Performance

Could you please confirm that the option Redirect files to disk (Site Manager - Settings - Files) was not checked when you tested storing files in file system?

Without this option, the redirection should not be processed.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova