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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Page Published, but still says it is not Published View modes: 
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knox-salug - 3/18/2011 3:08:08 PM
Page Published, but still says it is not Published
I Check Out, Edit, Save, Check In, and then Publish the page.
Now when I look at the Page tab for the page it has the "Check out" option. When i look at the Form tab, it says, "You need to check out the document for editing. Workflow step: Published.". But when I look at the Properties tab under General it says ,"Published: No". And the Page does not display on the live site because it says, "The document is not published, publish the document to make it available on the live site."

So since i published it, and the workflow thinks it is published, then what step am I missing to actually publish the Page?

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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
dvanbale - 3/19/2011 4:03:40 AM
RE:Page Published, but still says it is not Published
Dear Salug,

I believe I've run into this problem before, I was able to fix it by restarting the Kentico engine in the Sitemanager -> Administration -> General tab -> Restart application.

Please let us know if this helped fix the issue.


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knox-salug - 3/19/2011 8:39:40 AM
RE:Page Published, but still says it is not Published
Thanks for the response.

Unfortunately I decided to go ahead and re-make the page so that I could get it working. If it happens again, then I will try this and let you know how it worked.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/20/2011 1:40:01 PM
RE:Page Published, but still says it is not Published

Could you please check the FORM tab of given document and the fields "Publish from/to" - are there set any dates for scheduling the publishing of this document?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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knox-salug - 3/21/2011 10:26:58 AM
RE:Page Published, but still says it is not Published
I recall that the Publish To date was empty, but I do not recall what the Publish From date was.

If I am able to recreate the problem, then I will get you this information.